In the beginning everything was subject, until the pool of human life emerged, breathless, and God made the man in his image and likeness.
And God crowned master and he was filled with chains, whips and God was the man back, the sky enriched and impoverished land, created a promised land at the expense of a desperate reality. He
the cause of creation and creation itself, aside everything to God and to himself slag.
But the man saw God I was alone and said: "It is good that God is just. I will therefore beings like him to help."
And when God got tired on the seventh day the man worked, and God took her better and she became involved priests, soldiers, landlords and rulers, the flesh of his spirit.
And the deified man saying, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it."
And they did, and the priests gave birth to the Inquisition and the Holy Inquisition begat the monarchy, which gave birth to capitalism and its sister, the bourgeoisie, and capitalism became the father of all democracies and all dictatorships, who gave birth to Commissioners brokers, lawyers, clerks, overseers and torturers, the generals and heroes, PerĂ³n and Videla, and begat Videla Menem Menem and De la Rua ...
And then the man saw that he had done was bad, very bad for him, and sinned, he stole a fruit incidents occurred, he disobeyed. He felt then truly
Men - fatally tempted by the serpent of Liberty, and returned to disobey despite the punishment and guilt.
And there will always be so, to banish from the face of the Earth, its only natural eden, all traces of human authority and divine-human "for ever and ever, health. Adrian
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