This blog is perhaps the most successful or the most popular, however, has three cats that occasionally pass through here and leave us signals of life. Therefore, it is necessary to dedicate this post to those unemployed who are without interest 2.0 readers and friends who feed the inputs with their comments, and obviously are the reason for the existence of this sacred temple of leisure. This small tribute opinion is to thank for those posts, and their respective authors, who read us and we read each other, spent hours in this place, we know that they have wasted valuable time. And of course all the anonymous readers unemployed or not, one way or another are part of this cyber world. I ask your forgiveness in advance if your name is not on this list. Do not judge me, but it is impossible to name everyone that sometimes have passed through here.
- Ivan Andrade : I came by accident to his blog, and since then I read regularly (I must confess that I have read from "inside out") your blog is full of sarcasm today, a very interesting way to see the country from through the eyes of a future historian, the real "vox populi ." His comments here are always short but concise, this blog is not the same without their opinions. Thanks!
- Elviselgato : His blog is a payload of sensations avid music lover, always thinking Elvis very interesting and successful. It is the oldest reader of this blog, so I have great appreciation. I love your comments because they always leave a sample of his picaresque personality, have very similar views. Thanks!
- Yara : If talks as he writes, this is the c Vacano hacharachero more I know, your post always speak for themselves in the life of a future professional artist full of ideas. I loved your story lots of " the beautiful." I can not publish a new post without first checking that the irreverent "young" Yara pass by here, his opinions always come loaded with a very strange mood but encarretante. Thanks!
- Tomaz : This blog is another that I love to read your perspective realistic re present and its surroundings. If someone wants to know about Colombia, it is only passing through "Don Blog Pérez " or " Graficaturas " so that you remember. His sharp sense of humor is reflected in his blog and in his comments, almost always the first to express disrespect from the more serious issue to the most humorous. Thanks!
- Blueandtani t : This blogger is someone to whom you often notársele robust in this environment. It has very interesting ideas and writes them in a fun, intelligent and serious. It soon became one of my favorite pundits, always gives a touch of freshness to your comments, note that is fresh, relaxed and very battery. Thanks!
- Arturo Cendales : Your blog is a mixture of formal realities, framed in very personal opinions. His post are usually short but very accurate. Arturo is the natural partner, or friend of this blog, though not very steady his years here, always very well received. Thanks!
- Gabriel Umaña : This incipient writer has a delight in his words. I love the way he writes because I always find the perfect words to express their ideas. His blog is a constant invitation to reading modern writers and the amazing world of literature. Thanks!
- Kar Eq : Always have a very "guayabística" of things, your post is full of humor almost black, but they are both very dense. It gave me great advice: "If you do not know that blogging, no problem, do not write. Is better" I think I'm haciedo case and I'm putting it into practice. Thanks!
posthumous homage:
Although no longer with us or with your comments or with your posts, always be remembered in the box:
- Gurzaf : Your blog was a mix of everything, but always with a dowry of his personality , addressed the themes that were written Gurzaf gift from their own perspectives and experiences, that's why it was so cool to read. It was always here and left us his honorable views. Until one day he decided to leave the blogosphere, and disappeared from these parts. Hopefully back soon. Anyway, Thanks!
- Capital Doctor: Oh! I miss the Doc and his blog was one of my favorites. She always wrote about the daily life and put us to discuss with the topics he spoke, always left a bit of it in each of your comments. One day, without warning, he posted his experiences in the Iron Maiden concert, and never knew of its existence. He misses you and hopefully resurrected. Anyway, Thanks!
And for all that during this time, we have taken the trouble to read the stupid things I write here, which only go as ghosts or those who simply do not like. These 8760 hours of existence they are dedicated to you, because a blog without visitors, are like notes on the desktop, never see the light because there are no eyes in horror willing to enjoy their humble lyrics.
thousand and a thousand thanks!
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