is absurd that it has touched this issue in the blog because of my great love for electronic music.
Some time ago we met with a group of friends in an effort to go to raves (electronic parties) share music and spread the culture raver.
then were giving things step by step: organize our own raves, mixing our own sets and creating our own online radio , which is already a big advance to be entering the world which is so longed for entry.

Before any concrete idea of \u200b\u200bclustering, we held the event Valley Open Electronic Festival (OVEF) but as we were rookies fell to the "lively Creole" by the organizers with whom we partner. It took full credit for organizing the event and registered the name of your label ... But bueeeeeee well learned ...
(flyer initial unfinished)
Then, since we met an excellent DJ trance (also without label), the idea was realized. Create a group that covers everything involved in electronic music.
With that spirit that gave us this new friendship was formed and Evolution Bass, who started made by: Eric
- Aguayo (aka Ericmaster) - sets Ericmaster hear
- Andres Muñoz (aka AM) - hear sets AM
- Guido Pineda and Carlos Cruz (aka NNsounds) - sets Nnsounds hear
- Rivadeneira (aka VJ Dav)
- Valarezo
- Roberto (aka RobVal / Robbot)
But this group is made up not only this small number of people, but there are so many acolytes who I can not afford a single post for name them (each one is grateful for your support brows!). It was organized
different: it did RAVE @ EPN 2009 and radio debut on Metro 88.5 (featuring the newly created label, set NNsounds, soon the set of AM and Ericmaster and hopefully the race for me to go as Robbot hehe).
already supported by the technology have been making great progress, such as the creation of Evolution Bass Radio (still in test release)

And soon: Valley Techno Night (with the presentation of NNsounds ) and a great event that will be in Holy Week and will give details in due course.
Links :
Evolution Bass - EB Radio - NNsounds - AM - Eric Master - Valley Techno Night
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