Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Aids Condition_symptoms

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? First

millionaire and I want to be able to devote the rest of my life to travel, do a thousand things and not work. Dream of having an account in Switzerland with fifteen billion at my mercy, and never think about money in those green pieces of paper that corrupt minds, they buy time and lifetimes. I'm tired of working for others, and yet never have money and depend on what you say pocket. Not anymore. I want to be a millionaire, and in my life have purchased a Baloto .

If I had the luck to have this life, but with social privileges, being layer 6 and live very well, I think the same, with more enthusiasm would have liked to be; silver flame silver and therefore, more chance of winning. Have money to spare and maybe I would move to a first world country like France or something.

know of employees who earn no more than $ 250 a month, pay rent, schools, transport, food, clothing and stored at 4 people, and still spend $ 6000 (or U.S. 3) a week betting on luck to hit 6 numbers from 1 to 46, and receive once and for all about milloncitos to leave poor. I also know many wealthy happy not having the luck to be rich (in a country where the majority of the population is poor) also yearn for the coveted award. He concluded that everyone dreams or at least thought to be a millionaire one day and not just by the famous TV show, and Colombia is proof of that.

And we all like to have easy money well, caidita the sky. A few years ago, a nasty-looking man with a low profile and horrific black hair, gave the Colombians a false hope. Caught on a thing called pyramid and illusions that sold out of poverty as hijuemadre. His name was David Murcia, and in doing so, he managed to be a millionaire after he started as a messenger. Was becoming easier to aspire to be rich or at least accommodated. It worked for a while until the State became aware of money just like many other Colombians were able to collect and to dream, and sent David Murcia behind bars. Lesson learned: No easy money, or else we'd all be millionaires overnight.

is now well known that there were people out there who did not learn the lesson he left us Don Murcia and pyramids, and found another way to make money even easier, take advantage of the bitter experiences of life product internal conflict. Currently, the kidnapping, the eternal scourge that plagues the Colombian peace was also an effective way of doing business, yes sir. It is becoming fashionable to earn some money with this, as if being kidnapped had been worthwhile.

One such victim was the former presidential candidate in 2002 (which for purposes of this post, we will call Madame Betancourt ), kidnapped while campaigning for the FARC for 6 years, and that shocked the world. Madame was the authentic image of our political situation and major human rights violations to which the hostages were subjected. In 2008, after thousands of social marches and demonstrations, was freed by a military operation which she described as "perfect." The international community breathed a quiet, Madame Betancourt was a political piece for the guerrillas, and that day ceased. The revelry may be free, and the return to civilian life, was the trigger to engineer a good alibi. Those 6 years and could not stay and 730 days later, decided to sue the state alleging irregularities on the day of his kidnapping.

Madame Betancourt, knew how to do. He went to France to continue his life oligarch. He performed with such caution that even beyond the ovation with awards of peace, as if her hands had fallen to a peaceful action, naive French. Even once the rumor spread, that would be a candidate for a Nobel peace, and if not, at least he deserves. Is it worth? What did Madame Betancourt after his abduction by the other hostages? Nothing. Less than two weeks ago returned to Colombia in commemoration of the anniversary of their freedom and more than 15 other Mexican nationals. His visit was strange double face: on the one hand continue to carry the living image of the drama of kidnapping and second, to deliver the document that would require the State fifteen billion pesos by many years cloistered in the jungle in the custody the FARC.

Colombia, Colombia Colombia is shocked and especially grain: It is not fair from simple legal powers which will usufruct, Madame Betancourt want cheap malfeasance playing not only with money from more than 40 million people (mostly poor) to pay their compensation, but uses his bitter experience as a media puppet, rather than serve as a tool to help extinguish the kidnapping and the release of those still there. The worst thing is that behind her and there is another row of former abductees, in the same way. Sad.

Today, Madame Betancourt public places in doubt his claim, but the controversy continues. The Madame appears to sink into a mire of contradictions that puzzled the media and Colombians. In a few months on the shelves of bookstores teem his published testimony, and a few millionaires little check will go to the hungry coffers of the Betancourt family, they will surely sell like hotcakes. It seems that 6 years in the forest did nothing to strengthen the commitment to cooperation for a country that seeks to exterminate his absurd internal conflict and on the contrary, the former hostages figures are becoming hypocrites who attack so brutal against sense of the nation, the army and especially we, the ordinary citizens.

Madame Betancourt was also probably one of those rich guys who asked a favor to his bodyguard to buy him the Baloto and not picked up anything. But now, found an easy way to win, and best, he had to go buy it, because it would have to give us.

is definitely the world of the living, and I thought that the only way of becoming a millionaire, was betting on the six little numbers. Poor naive. ***

Updated: July 15/2010: Madame Betancourt
withdrew its demand, but Colombia has 4 new millionaires former abductees: Gloria Polanco, Orlando Beltran, Jorge Eduardo Gechem and Consuelo Gonzalez de Perdomo. Congratulations! The state is about to become insolvent.


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