Welcome child, this magical place is a unique complex and full of great benefits and in some cases facilities, designed exclusively for our customers. Hotel mom ltda, is one of the most sophisticated places to spend the summer, fall, winter, spring, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and even old age. All those moments that we know are important in life.
staff Ltda Hotel Mama is qualified to attend, bear and endure, as long as you give back your stay, but not always be necesario.En this hotel you will feel at home (in fact it is) and save lots of money to be our guest " Bombril " honor, compared with other places to spend your days (or weeks, months, years and decades.) Rates are not always cheap but everything is refundable, since management is responsible for you at all times, even when you can fend for itself. In fact, we have unemployment insurance, which, just in case you lose your job, the hotel is responsible to help him regardless of time or earning pretensions of ministers in his next job.
Mom Ltda Hotel offers comfortable designed to your taste and needs, so yes, with shared facilities, but breakfast, lunch, dinner, new media, whim and craving, 365 days a year, 24 hours. It also has broadband internet service, cable TV and unlimited if the household needs require it, otherwise these expenses will be on your own. As host (and more if it is a " Bombril ") gives the right to carry a copy of the keys to the main doors in case of any need and take some responsibilities.
hotel facilities are located anywhere in the city and the country that depends on your last name and tree family. Ranging from north to south through the east and west, and covers layers 1 to 6 (and sometimes customers believe to be 10).
also offered, support services and chocholeo if you have, or pretend-serious or minor, demanding in exchange for receiving discounts nagging every time you make it to mama (the Chief) a felony that she does not approve .
The hotel offers its facilities as a convention center and even on vacation, where you can meet friends, colleagues and others for their personal celebrations or for no apparent reason, and without being required to provide notice to its management. You can house partying peers if they are not physically or morally be able to reach their destinations, the maximum permitted stay is 3 days. From this will generate extra charges. Any damage or injury caused by the customer shall host, in this case, you.
Ltda Hotel Mama also offers legal advice, democratic meritocracy (when it is worth) and judges to resolve various conflicts and punish civilians who were present to customers. The supreme court of the hotel is having the last word in disputes arising between the usual guests place. Additionally it has psychological and spiritual counseling in times of distress or otherwise. Fees for
stay Ltda Hotel Mama, vary by age and socioeconomic status of clients. Received cash payments, credit card, postdated checks and even cuddling and lambetazos.
Price per person:
- Infants, newborns and children up to 8 years stay free.
- Children 9 years and adolescents: Stay free, subject to conditions, punishment, retaliation, suspension of internet and telephone in case of dispute. Claimed full responsibility for academic work and restricted hours of night arrivals and departures with friends.
- Over 18 years, university students, university liability clause guaranteed a single room.
- Graduates: cantaletear almost daily on their employment status and intentions to seek work or something to do.
- Empel and / or independent: Percentage of the fortnight, equivalent to slightly more than the tithe for household expenses and food, the obligation is also required to pay at least a receipt is public service. And it keeps food warm in the oven and not given regardless of your time nagging arrival, provided they work with the small fee. Note: if independent, will make periodic hearings to determine the source of their income.
- employees or pensioners or people with a spouse and / or children, share allowance equal to more than half of their wages for food and extra head support. If you stay, you must make reforms to the hotel and adapt the space for more independent than ever, these costs are borne by him in its entirety.
- Single adults and older: Stay conditional on their patience, mom does not explain how the hell you still support will be there. Attended
directly by the owner, we invite you to visit Mom Hotel Ltda , that unlike other places out there, If it has it all! .
Sincerely, The Management. His mother.
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