Sunday, September 20, 2009

Online Pokemon Silver Simulator

Bespin Raver Manifesto: hmmm interesting ... MTV

Now that I'm stuck in programming HTML5, wanted an editor that supports the features of this "new" language (not new, only fixed more cool) and I found the project Bespin Mozilla Labs

But it does Bespin? is a text editor. "A simple text editor?" wonder ... well yes, just edit the text ...

But what struck me is that is made entirely in HTML5 Canvas, ie everything that is made there is drawn in real time ... a beast!

also allows complete project management: creating files, folders, etc, etc, put colors to the keywords it is really fast (rapidazo!) can handle millions of lines of text, and allows editing the file by multiple remote users in real time.

And all that for web! so I say "a beast"!

But still project is still susceptible to improvement and includes failures, so you have to give it time to leave something chevere a simple idea ...

Give him a look, play with it and you will see it has potential. Can access their official website from HERE and read more from HERE. In the first link you can see a video tutorial for the curious.

And that just for today ... stops.


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