Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ohio Driver License Renewal


Anarchy, Errico Malatesta
Kronstadt, Alexander Berkman
Critical Marxism, Mikhail Bakunin
law and authority, Peter Kropotkin
On behalf of the cross, Eugenio Cardenas
philosophical anarchism, E. Arango López
anarchist thinkers, Angel J. Cappelletti
anarchism in the Mexican Revolution, R. Flores Magon
The FORA: Anarchism in the mov. Argentine labor, EM Gonzalez
Education libertarian Noelia Ferrer
Revolution Makhnovist Grupo Tierra y Libertad
control technologies in the structure of modern business, Carlos Sierra
The value of each is $ 2 NEWSPAPERS

FREEDOM: Freedom Group
labor organization: the FORA
PROTEST: Protest Group
The value of each is $ 0.5
Organize and fight: Anarchist Action
Free Ships
by e-mail e-mail Pedilen

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Autism Condition_symptoms


A man snatches the morsel of bread to a child and everyone agrees it's a terrible selfish, solely motivated by self-love. Another shared his last morsel with someone who is hungry, give your garment that is cold and moralists qualify him as a selfless, that is, the very opposite of selfishness. But soon we reflect, we see that both actions seem different in their results, they always have the same motive: to achieve pleasure. Either act to boost their selfishness. Have to seek pleasure or avoid pain, which is the same.
The idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil in man, whatever their level of intellectual development. Consider how good it is useful to society you live and bad to bad for this. But most do not know more than the clan or family, hardly the nation and even harder to mankind. How can you expect to be considered as well as useful to human beings or who feel solidarity with their clan, despite his instincts so selfish? Becoming
anarchists, we declare war on the heap of lies, trickery, exploitation and deprivation. The governor, deceived, exploited, hurt, first of all, our feelings of equality, we do not want or exploited, or deception, and governed.
Our way of acting on others is a habit. Anyone who has purchased a high moral practice, is obviously superior to the good Christian who seeks to always be driven by the devil to do evil and can not stop it if it is threatened by the pains of hell or seduced by the joys of heaven.
We anarchists are not afraid to give the judge or the sentence. We are not afraid to declare "do what you want and however you want, because we are convinced that the vast majority of men, as they are educated and are removed from above the current constraints, will always act in a direction useful to society.
As moral fact we have no right to give advice and add: "Follow it if you feel good."
P. Kropotkin

Skateboard Whiplash Guards


Just as all animals, man and Abitua adapts to environmental conditions in which they live and transmitted by inheritance acquired habits and customs. Born and raised in slavery, heir to a long line of slaves, man, when he started thinking, believed that slavery was an essential condition of life: freedom has seemed impossible. This is how the worker, constrained for centuries to wait and get the job, ie, bread, of will, and sometimes the humor of a master, and used to continually see his life at the mercy of who owns land and capital, has concluded to believe it was the owner, master or employer who fed him. Naive and simple, has come to be the following question: "How do I fix me to eat if the gentlemen did not exist.?"
And if the natural effect of habit is added education received the same pattern, the priest, teacher, etc. (All interested in preaching that the government and the bosses are necessary and even indispensable) if added the judge and police officer, struggling to silence anyone who otherwise runs and try to disseminate and propagate their thought, you will understand how the brain little cultivated root mass has been the bias of the usefulness and necessity of the master and the government.
change the opinion to persuade the public that not only the government is far from necessary, it is extremely dangerous and harmful ... and then the word anarchy rightly so, because it means absence of government will mean for all natural order, harmony of needs and interests of all, complete freedom in the sense of solidarity also complete.
E. Malatesta

Monday, February 13, 2006

Congratulation New Baby Message Example


reigns Property objects, soil, subsoil, means of production, transport, exchange, all target values \u200b\u200bconverted by the violence, conquest, robbery, fraud, deceit or exploitation, in the matter of a minority. It is the authority on things enshrined by law and punishable by force, to the owner the right to use and abuse, and for non-holders, the obligation, if they want to live, work and enjoyment on behalf of those who stolen everything. Property is theft . Established by the spoliations
and resting on an extremely powerful mechanism of violence, the law establishes and maintains the wealth of some and the poverty of others. Authority over the objects, the property is so much criminal and intangible that which is driven to the utmost limit of its development, the rich can at will and with impunity burst of indigestion, while unemployment, the poor die of hunger. The wealth of some is mixed with the misery of others.
S. Faure

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Hp Officejet G85 Will Not Initialize


We anarchists want to abolish radically domination and exploitation of man by man, want men, partners in a conscious and deliberate solidarity, to cooperate voluntarily for the welfare of all , we want society to be constituted for the purpose of giving all human beings the means to achieve maximum comfort.
reject and fight against all forms of authority
political authority, state: has sovereign people, limiting them in a web of laws, regulations, prohibitions and obligations, making every one of them in a subject, a taxpayer, a soldier or a prisoner forced, and in case of war in a murderer or a murder. The state is the coercive organization, or violence in society.
economic authority, private property: want the abolition of private ownership of land, the means of production and raw materials, so that nobody can live on the farm the work of others, and all, to ensure the means of production and life, are truly independent and can freely associate with others in the common interest.
Anarchists propose self-management, self-organization, the federation of organizations, and the struggle of opposing bottom up and top-down hierarchical forms.

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Mount And Blade Windowed


"To be governed means to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, legislated, regulated, box, indoctrinated, preached at, audited, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by beings who have no title, science and virtue to it ...
To be governed is to be noted, registered, registered, fee-based, stamped, measured, evaluated, quoted, patented, licensed, authorized, apostille, cautioned, content, revised, amended, corrected, to perform any operations, any transaction, any movement.
means, under the pretext of public utility and on behalf of public interest, be obliged to pay contributions, be inspected, looted, exploited, monopolized, predators, pressured, tricked, robbed, then at the slightest complaint, repressed, fined, vilified, humiliated, harassed, abused, clubbed, disarmed, seized, imprisoned, shot, shot, tried, convicted, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed, and, moreover, mocked, ridiculed, outraged, dishonored.
That is the government, that is its justice, that is its morality! "
PJ Proudhon