Just as all animals, man and Abitua adapts to environmental conditions in which they live and transmitted by inheritance acquired habits and customs. Born and raised in slavery, heir to a long line of slaves, man, when he started thinking, believed that slavery was an essential condition of life: freedom has seemed impossible. This is how the worker, constrained for centuries to wait and get the job, ie, bread, of will, and sometimes the humor of a master, and used to continually see his life at the mercy of who owns land and capital, has concluded to believe it was the owner, master or employer who fed him. Naive and simple, has come to be the following question: "How do I fix me to eat if the gentlemen did not exist.?"
And if the natural effect of habit is added education received the same pattern, the priest, teacher, etc. (All interested in preaching that the government and the bosses are necessary and even indispensable) if added the judge and police officer, struggling to silence anyone who otherwise runs and try to disseminate and propagate their thought, you will understand how the brain little cultivated root mass has been the bias of the usefulness and necessity of the master and the government.
change the opinion to persuade the public that not only the government is far from necessary, it is extremely dangerous and harmful ... and then the word anarchy rightly so, because it means absence of government will mean for all natural order, harmony of needs and interests of all, complete freedom in the sense of solidarity also complete.
E. Malatesta
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