To be governed is to be noted, registered, registered, fee-based, stamped, measured, evaluated, quoted, patented, licensed, authorized, apostille, cautioned, content, revised, amended, corrected, to perform any operations, any transaction, any movement.
means, under the pretext of public utility and on behalf of public interest, be obliged to pay contributions, be inspected, looted, exploited, monopolized, predators, pressured, tricked, robbed, then at the slightest complaint, repressed, fined, vilified, humiliated, harassed, abused, clubbed, disarmed, seized, imprisoned, shot, shot, tried, convicted, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed, and, moreover, mocked, ridiculed, outraged, dishonored.
That is the government, that is its justice, that is its morality! "
PJ Proudhon
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